Top 10 IoT Security Blogs You've Been Looking For
Reading Time: A fun 4 minutes!
IoT. The more it evolves, the more it will change the way we live our day to day lives. But as always, especially when it comes to technology (have you seen the new Black Mirror?), great power comes with great responsibility in the form of IoT security.
It was impossible to miss the recent IoT attacks, starting with Brian Kreb’s blog and followed by Dyn, the DNS provider, that disrupted the operation of many websites (Twitter, Reddit, GitHub, Spotify, PayPal and Verizon to name a few big ones).
A research study by DDoS Boot Camp shows that almost 75% of organizations have suffered at least one attack over the past 12 months.
From all indications, IoT security is a problem (and pleasure) that is here to stay. If you're responsible for IT security in your company, it’s time to dig deep into the what, where and how so that you can take the steps needed to prevent it from happening to you.
That’s what we’re here for! We took the liberty of helping you with the first step, a whole lot of reading.
The SecureRF IoT Security blog is a rich source of information of everything IoT related. It will equip you with both information you need to get started and actionable advice, you can implement in your security strategy. SecureRF provides quantum-resistant cryptographic security solutions for wireless sensor networks, embedded systems and other devices that are part of the Internet of Things.
2. Alliance for Internet of Things
AIOTI is an online community that caters to IT security, network solution providers, and all cybersecurity compliant organisations.
This community provides resources for all things related to IoT Security. Being a part of this community has helped many connect with members, giving the opportunity to discuss real-time solutions to DDoS attacks; how to detect loopholes, and in the event of an outright digital assault, members share tools and resources.
The Device Authority blog has some of the best IT security content that any professional would need. The blog features content from some of the world’s most renowned IoT security experts.
One of these experts is Darron Antill. As the former CEO of Intrinsic Technologies and AppSense, Antill writes with authority and personality. He shares expert insights on IoT news, product reviews and abi-monthly magazine focused on IoT and cybersecurity.
Device Authority Blog features IoT security trends, which are specifically geared towards C-level executives. I consider this the IoT security equivalent of Forbes. You can join in on the conversation and share your comments.
Bruce Schneier holds a long and strong cybersecurity resume. He’s been sharing his thoughts and views since the late 90’s, always relevant to industry changes. Schneier shares irresistible cybersecurity news, recent IoT attacks, and possible ways to get out of the muddy waters.
Schneier provides precise commentary on important topics to keep you updated --- about threats and breaches. And provides a deep library of security resources, as well. Read this blog religiously. It’s your best foot forward in this unpredictable cyber world.
5. Portnox.com
Is this the dawn of massive IoT attacks? Looks like it!
Full disclosure, they are a client. But that doesn’t mean their blog isn’t as good as we say it is. To help you stay protected, Portnox blog focuses on the importance of Network Access Control and endpoint protection solutions, giving you a firm grip of the modern IoT security measures and best practices. Portnox keeps you up to speed with cybersecurity - while nudging you to take the necessary steps.
Since it’s difficult to both control your endpoints, and stay up to speed simultaneously, the authors approach each topic with relevance, to help you navigate seamlessly.
6. Stephenson IT Security Blog
This IT security blog isn’t primarily about IoT security. However it does dig into how each security threat depends on several other factors to take effect.
In fact, on September 19th, when Stephenson and Chris Rezendes were guests on a Harvard Business Review Webinar on IoT privacy and security, he bluntly told everyone that, “You can’t wait until you’ve designed your cool new IoT device before you can begin to add in privacy and security protections. Start on Day 1!”
The blog’s core goal is to make IoT Security and Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Communication news digestible.
Sherry Shannon Vanstone, Trust Point CEO also highlights news roundups, by curating helpful news resources from other IoT security blogs.
8. Unboundid Cybersecurity Blog
This blog focuses on threats and breaches related to IoT products.
The platform is both informative and inspiring. The Expert Interviews category, Data Management, Big Data, and Data API’s are some of the essential industry topics you don’t want to ignore. Learn what’s emerging and how you can be part of the conversation and make a security impact in your organisation.
9. Attify Mobile and IoT Security
If you’re passionately looking for trusted protection for your mobile applications and Internet of Things, this is the place.
The blog offers trailblazing IoT security publications that you can hardly find elsewhere. Their recent post entitled: “Emulating and Exploiting Firmware Binaries,” is a step towards exploiting vulnerabilities in your system.
The blog’s content is both suitable for consumers, business, and IT professionals alike. Learn how to execute IoT privacy protections. The industry experts are there to help you.
10. Zone Alarm Cybersecurity blog
Big Data is an all-important topic, but without securing your server, the data is as vulnerable as the a lost credit card. This blog provides in-depth information on IoT privacy protections and all-round cybersecurity guidance.
If you want to keep up-to-date with cyber attacks, de-duplication issues, product reviews, and industry news, Zone Alarm security blog helps you stay in the loop.
If you're familiar with other great IoT security blogs, please share in our comment box!