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B2B PPC Campaign Strategy That Works

Paid campaigns (the term we also lovingly call PPC) - when executed with your target audience’s needs, concerns and pain points in mind - can create effective awareness around brands, products and service offerings. This, however, is only true when keeping your target audience in mind every step of the way - or funnel. In this blog, we’ll delve...

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How B2B Marketers Are Preparing For A Cookieless World

With Google preparing to end support for third-party cookies in its Chrome browser next year, the B2B Tech Marketing industry is anticipating major changes as marketers learn to adapt their B2B PPC strategies in a Cookieless World. The good news is that even now, as the industry prepares to adiós third-party cookies,...

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How To Boost Your ROAS By A/B Testing LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn's lead conversion rates are three times higher than other major ad platforms, so with over 800 million members comprised mostly of professionals and business decision makers – running B2B campaigns on LinkedIn should technically be a guaranteed lead-bonanza. Right? Well, maybe. The smarter way to get the most out of...

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