Why your B2B Marketing & RevOps Need an Audit
There are typically 2 scenarios that push companies to conduct a marketing and/or RevOps audit:
There are typically 2 scenarios that push companies to conduct a marketing and/or RevOps audit:
At the very end of 2023, along with Airfleet we held The Big Marketing Kickoff, an event during which we’ve spoken about the highs and lows of the past year in the B2B marketing world, and shared our plans for growth in 2024 with an audience of no less than 150 brilliant B2B marketers.
You’ve spent so much time building your inbound marketing strategy and generating tons of content, but the organic visits and conversions to contact are just not what they used to be? Let's face it, so much has changed on the inbound and digital marketing front since ~15 years ago when the term was at its infancy. The way your...
When you're working in B2B tech marketing agency, it can feel like you're drowning in a sea of TLAs (three-letter abbreviations) and technical B2B marketing terms.
Let me tell you about something that's been hiding in plain sight - LinkedIn Analytics Tool. Have you heard of it?
With the death of “spraying and praying” online campaigns, B2B tech marketers are turning to Account Based Marketing campaigns for marketing success, especially in niche industries like cyber. But the success metrics produced from B2B ABM can be far harder to track than for a standard lead generation campaign.
At some point, every business will need to translate an article or piece of content - Be it an eBook, blog or anything in between.. And if you don’t have in house native speakers on hand to translate, chances are you will need to use a translation service.
Are you one of the many many B2B tech marketers who still have not had their marketing budget approved? You are not alone.
Your targets are set. But reaching them is hard to do by yourself. We get it. Because we’re in the trenches, fighting the good fight with B2B tech companies every day. We’re ENVY: Strategy, Digital Marketing and RevOps agency.
It can be daunting when faced with starting from scratch with your B2B social or even revamping what you currently have. That’s why we’re here to share our insights on how to get it right, from the outset.