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How B2B CMOs are Marketing Through a Crisis

It’s that time of the decade where every marketer worries about two things: firstly, the precious marketing budget and secondly, what to do next. It’s also the time when you wish you’d have listened to your marketing lecturer when she suggested that you prepare an emergency draw plan for crisis mode. Although let’s be honest, nothing could have...

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PART 1 - Thinking like a Venture Capitalist

In the 1990s, the Internet bubble was expanding, prompting a wave of tech startups in Israel and globally that continued well after it burst. These startups brought new energy and ingenuity to the venture capitalist (VC) scene, with investors facing a glut of eager startups that needed to be assessed, understood, and guided...

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The Problem in Hiring Skilled Marketers

Businesses have embraced digital technologies at a rapid pace. By 2020, digital technologies could add $1.36 trillion to the world’s total economic output. And yet, digital marketers who took a competency test scored an average of just 38%, with only 8% of those tested showing entry-level skills. What is going wrong?

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