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PR Guide for Startups: Outsourcing vs. In-house

Reading Time: 7-8 mins (totally worth your time) 4-5 years ago, within the startup scene, PR was struggling because everybody was turning to social media to raise their company's’ profile. Social media seemed to be fast, effective and most significantly, a cheap PR solution. With Twitter, it seemed like everyone was able to...

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This is Why Your SEO Efforts Aren't Paying Off

Reading time: 7 mins, to really get it Despite the never ending changes to the marketing landscape, SEO for startups has remained a critical content discovery channel. But understanding the benefits of getting a steady stream of free traffic that converts itself through your funnel is one thing, and implementing it… Well,...

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LinkedIn Lead Generation Forms - How To

Reading time: 2 mins In the ever evolving battle between advertising platforms for the growing B2B PPC budgets, LinkedIn has just upped Facebook in its own game. LinkedIn has always been the platform of choice to reach potential B2B clients, but it was never easy or friendly to advertisers. The outdated interface, lack of...

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9 Must Read UK Cybersecurity Blogs

Reading time: between 3-15, up to you. While the USA and Israel have enjoyed the spotlight of cybersecurity’s hall of fame for over a decade, it appears that the new kid on the block has been working diligently to catch up and enjoy some of that market share. This is of course, the UK.

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